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About Us

Hämeen Kylät  is a non-profit association of villages in Häme province (Tavastia region).


  • implement policies to promote rural areas vitality
  • provide expert statements  to authorities
  • work in collaboration with the Suomen Kylät ry (Finnish Villages Association) to citizens’ activity at regional, local and village
  • arrange events, village happenings and meetings
  • provide training and education to local volunteers and stakeholders
  • implement projects EU, EAFRD, and national initiatives
  • engage in employment promotion in rural areas, for instance by providing job opportunities  and on-the-job training for long-term unemployed
  • connect villages and facilitate networking between villages and other stakeholders
  • communicate and educate the society at large regarding issues that matter to the rural population
  • organize the annual Best Häme Village Competition
  • coordinate the nationwide Open Village Day and Open Chrismas Villages in our region


Open Village Day – On the second Saturday of June, villages invite you to visit!

On the Open Villages Day our communities open their doors for visitors to come and enjoy the village life and program. Volunteers organise the Day each year in the second saturday of June.  There are hundreds of village events in Finland. In Häme there will be about 40 open villages, where you can choose and visit  your favorite villages. Wellcome!

Open Villages Day


For further information:

Elina Leppänen, Provincial Village Coordinator

+358 400 944 868